The game Cards Against Humanity can be described in many different ways, depending on how many players are involved and the variations you play. The game has at least three main expansions (the Base Game, First Expansion , and Second Expansion .), each of which comes with its own cards for playing using the full rules, but also doesn’t preclude playing with some or all cards from other expansions.
For the purposes of this article, it doesn’t really matter which expansion is played with, because I’ll be focusing on some of the worst cards in existence. If you’re not familiar with Cards Against Humanity , I encourage you to try it out. It takes a bit of getting used to (and may be culturally offensive to some people), but it’s a *lot* of fun when played with the right group of people (all players should be comfortable swearing and making jokes that may be considered off-color). The game is not for kids or easily offended folks, but can provide hours of entertainment for everyone else.
Which cards against humanity expansion are the dirtiest?
While there are several adult expansions available for purchase on the CAH website, one of the most popular adult expansions is called “NSFW” or Cards Against Humanity: NSFW Edition. As you might expect, this deck of cards contains more risque and profane answers that are not appropriate for children.
About cards
The rules are simple: each player gets 10 white cards, and one player (the “Card Czar”, or “Card Tsar”) draws a black card. The black card always begins with “For [x] in 2 to [y]” where x is the number of players remaining in the game, and y is the number of rounds that have occurred so far. For example, if there are 4 players still in the game and the black card is “For 5 or more people in 20 or more rounds”, a white card might read “That’s what she said” for x=4 and y=5. Similarly, a black card might read “The _____ reboot” where the blank space requires all remaining players to fill in a word. The white card might then say “Star Wars prequel trilogy” for example, with each player playing a white card from their hand that they believe is most appropriate.
The cards are then revealed and the Card Czar chooses their favorite from those played by all players, awarding 2 victory points to that player. The black card is then added to the bottom of the deck and play continues clockwise.
Each player draws 10 cards at the beginning of each round, and discards any white cards that they don’t want into a pile shared with other players’ unwanted white cards (unused black cards are also placed in this shared discard pile). The game ends when one player has 10 victory points and that player is the winner!
some of the worst cards:
The only thing worse than “People who still live at home” is this card. It doesn’t matter if you give it as an answer or receive it as one, what makes this card so awful is that it makes everyone take a point. And the only way to get rid of this card is to rip it up, which costs you one victory point. Playing this card often results in losing the game, so please don’t play it unless you’re looking to lose.
It’s not easy being green… except when people make terrible jokes about being green. Then it’s completely okay! With a poor sense of humor, this card makes everyone take a point. But with the right group, this could be one of the funniest cards in existence. If you find yourself playing with people who have no idea what D&D is (or think that D&D is something like Monopoly), don’t include this card in your hand.
The game – Cards Against Humanity (CAH) is simple. One player (the “Card Czar”) draws a black card with an incomplete sentence on it, and the other players submit their white cards to complete the sentence. As you might expect, there are some truly awful cards in this game due to immature or outrageous responses submitted by players.