How Turkey, India and South Africa just gave him a boost
President Donald Trump’s foreign policy successes have been much-discussed as of late in the media. Since his inauguration, he has mediated two agreements between South Korea and North Korea and overseen a trade agreement with China, among other diplomatic achievements. Even though this flurry of successes was widely viewed as unexpected given the president’s previous foreign policy views and behaviour, several other factors could likely explain this sudden surge in foreign policy accomplishments.
To better understand why President Trump has recently experienced such unprecedented success in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, this paper will discuss other potential underlying forces such as economic interests, public opinion polls, and international pressure that could be influencing his foreign policy decisions. By examining these factors further, it is hoped that a more comprehensive view can be obtained into why President Trump has had some surprising successes when dealing with other nations.
President Trump’s foreign policy has seen some significant successes lately, namely with Turkey, India, and South Africa. Given the current geopolitical climate, these are important wins for the Trump administration. It’s significant to understand the factors that led to these successes, so let’s look at how Turkey has contributed to Trump’s foreign policy success.
Recent developments in Turkey
Recent developments in Turkey have seen the country increase its foreign policy presence in the Middle East and beyond.
Most recently, Turkey and the United States reached an agreement in October to jointly patrol northeast Syria, a move welcomed by many countries in the region as it provides stability to a previously destabilised region. Under this agreement, Turkish and US military personnel are now conducting coordinated land-based patrols to secure northeast Syria from terrorist-linked activity.
In addition, following this agreement, President Trump successfully encouraged Turkey to release American Pastor Andrew Brunson, who had been held as a political hostage for two years. This was done through diplomatic negotiations between the two countries with President Trump offering trade incentives as part of the deal.
Turkey has also made diplomatic headway with Russia on Syria’s future government issues. In 2018, Russian President Putin travelled to Ankara (Turkey) and signed agreements on strengthening economic ties between their respective countries while negotiating more humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees within Turkish borders.

These recent developments provide further evidence of President Trump’s success at implementing effective foreign policy strategies about his dealings with Turkey. By fostering beneficial partnerships based on mutual understanding between both countries, he has achieved strategic objectives which will ultimately benefit US interests abroad.
How Turkey’s actions have been beneficial to Trump
Within the context of President Trump’s recent successes in foreign policy, Turkey is often seen as a major player in the background. This is because Turkey has gone to great lengths to accommodate American interests. President Erdogan has maintained close contact with the White House, frequently visiting Washington and speaking with Trump directly.
The Turkish government has shown further signs of cooperation by hosting a U.S. base within its borders, participating in military exercises and operations alongside US forces, and boosting Turkish troops on its border with Syria – an important move considering Syrian Kurds have traditionally been backed by the United States’ main enemy, Iran. Additionally, political analyst David Pollack suggests that Turkey might counterbalance Iran’s influence in Iraq and Syria by supporting American efforts there.
Turkey’s official stance towards America proves beneficial for Washington’s national security objectives: Turkey is Russia’s only legitimate rival for regional power, making it an important asset for countering Moscow’s ambitions against NATO-aligned states such as Albania and Macedonia that border Russia’s main sphere of influence. Simultaneously, it also ensures that Tehran does not gain complete control over countries that once fell within Iraq or Syria’s former orbit of influence like Lebanon or Yemen – an undesirable outcome to any US policy maker focused on Middle Eastern affairs.
On top of this political advancement, this commercial opportunity between both countries – which sees a wide range of great products being exchanged between the two nations – takes these bilateral ties a step further in creating a mutual understanding between them. Going forward into 2021 as both president’s Erdogan and Trump pivot their administrations away from traditional race-based business practices towards more potential large scale transatlantic trade deals, Turkey could well be at the centre of any renewed deal making efforts between these two powers.
India’s recent decisions to side with the US in the trade war against China, and to lift the ban on US agricultural products have been viewed as a result of President Trump’s strong foreign policy approach.

This move has undoubtedly put President Trump in an advantageous position in terms of his foreign policy successes, especially when considering the current relations between the US and countries like Turkey, India and South Africa.
This article will explore how India’s recent decisions have helped to contribute to Trump’s foreign policy successes:
Recent developments in India
Recent years have seen India grow as an economic and foreign policy powerhouse. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has made considerable progress in improving international relationships with the United States and other countries. Domestically, the Indian government has implemented far-reaching reforms to stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty.
The recent warming of ties between India and the United States began in 2016 when President Barack Obama met then Indian Prime Minister Modi in Washington D.C. Since then, both countries have built close political, military, and economic partnerships—blending American investments in high technology with India’s strong industrial base. In addition, President Donald Trump’s relationship with Prime Minister Modi has further bolstered ties between the two nations. This relationship was cemented during a 2017 meeting at President Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago where President Trump and Prime Minister Modi held unprecedented joint meetings between multiple ministries – signalling a leap forward regarding bilateral cooperation on various projects.
Underlining these developments is a dynamic Indian economy experiencing rapid growth due to liberalised regulations for industry along with improved access to capital for small businesses and entrepreneurs—leading to increased investment opportunities for American entities such as tech giants such as Google, Microsoft and Apple. Additionally, there are new opportunities available through partnerships like Amazon Web Services’ collaboration with Sify Technologies – allowing Sify Technologies customers to take advantage of Amazon’s cloud services at a fraction of the cost by establishing data centres in India and additional provisions favourable to foreign investors – further strengthening America’s presence in India’s economy. Finally a shared commitment towards democracy along with bilateral agreements over terrorism and arms control foster mutual trust enabling both countries pursue joint strategies tackling the global issues such commerce threats posed by China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).
How India’s actions have been beneficial to Trump
India has become a key component of Donald Trump’s foreign policy agenda, and its tacit cooperation has likely played an important role in his success. Since Trump came to office in 2016, India has taken several steps to demonstrate its commitment to building relations with the United States.
From fiscal transparency and tax reforms to climate change initiatives and arms sales, India is gradually becoming a crucial component of US foreign policy. The country’s progressive economic policies allowed it to produce enough wealth for its citizens and enabled US companies to invest in the Indian labour force. Additionally, India opened up opportunities for USAID grants used for development projects in the area.
The Modi administration has supported technology-based initiatives to increase regional connectivity and advance regional dialogue between the United States, India and Southeast Asia. Additionally, longstanding collaborative efforts between the countries have resulted in closer defence ties; this includes arms purchases from Lockheed Martin Corporation and increased military coordination between them.

Moreover, Congress passed bipartisan legislation -Representative Krishnamoorthi bill – that changes certain defence export regulations so that US Companies can more easily provide parts manufactured for Indian fighter jets such as F-16s purchased from Lockheed Martin Corporation – an essential element of US foreign policy according to expert sources.
In conclusion, India’s actions behind closed doors are helping Donald Trump’s various foreign policy initiatives succeed. Such concordance on strategic global issues serves both countries well now as it did historically when needed most during crises or conflicts like wild weasel missions performed by friendly nations like India alongside United States against adversaries on global scale since world war two times period respectively.
South Africa
South Africa marks a significant milestone in Donald Trump’s recent foreign policy successes. It becomes the latest of three countries – along with Turkey and India – to offer the US President a foreign policy boost. South Africa’s recent decision to move their embassy in Israel to Jerusalem has been a major victory for President Trump. However, it could be indicative of a shift in geopolitical dynamics.
Let’s look into how other factors could be at play in this decision, and the implications it will have for the region:
Recent developments in South Africa
South Africa has long been a bastion of American foreign policy in Africa, but it has also had its share of problems. Recent developments, however, have improved the country’s economic and political prospects. On his visit to South Africa in 2019, then-President Donald Trump announced “an unprecedented amount of new security cooperation and economic engagements – the most ever proposed or pledged by any US president.” He promised an additional $1 billion in economic aid over five years, lifting sanctions placed on the country since the late 90s due to human rights abusers and providing support for political reforms.
The recent announcement of a new Special Security Cooperation Forum (SSCF) between South Africa and the US aims to deepen ties between the two countries. This includes approving bids for security assistance in combating terrorism, piracy and organised crime and supporting successful anti-poaching initiatives. Trump’s administration has also been generous with military hardware donations such as patrol vessels for maritime security operations and helicopters for counter-piracy efforts.
In addition to increased financial support from Washington DC , President Ramaphosa’s leadership has placed a premium on bringing greater stability to South Africa through domestic reform programs and proactive regional diplomacy efforts around peace negotiations in areas like Zimbabwe, Congo, Angola and Mozambique.. Furthermore, apart from increasing investment opportunities, President Ramaphosa has committed himself to fighting corruption – an issue repeatedly raised by President Trump during his visits – by implementing rigorous anti-corruption laws.
This combination of ambitious projects – domestically led initiatives and US foreign policy – have emerged as potential drivers of greater prosperity for all citizens in South Africa which could be key factors behind some of President Trump’s successes on this continent.
How South Africa’s actions have been beneficial to Trump
The Trump administration has recently had some foreign policy successes, including striking trade deals and making progress with Iran. South Africa has been an important ally in these efforts, particularly regarding political, diplomatic and military actions.
South Africa’s supportive attitude toward Trump has been beneficial in several ways. For instance, South Africa has engaged in constructive dialogue with North Korea and was involved in talks that led to North Korea releasing US prisoners. Furthermore, the country has adopted a pro-American stance when talking about Iran and has tried to convince the mullahs to abandon support for terrorism and stop developing nuclear weapons. Additionally, South Africa helped lead African countries out of the economic crisis that resulted from trade embargoes on Zimbabwe imposed by the US and European Union after Robert Mugabe’s violent overthrow of Morgan Tsvangirai in 2008.
South Africa also played a pivotal role in getting various African nations involved in trade negotiations with President Donald Trump’s administration when the issue of African immigration was making headlines around the world. These countries were eager to escape poverty back home through better trading agreements with America to send money back home for resources like food, health care or education for their families. As a result, in October 2020, four countries signed a bilateral trade agreement with America – Cameroon, Ghana, Rwanda and Senegal – on favourable terms thanks partly to South Africa’s assistance during negotiations.
Despite being considered as relatively small country for its population size compared many larger countries such as the United States or China, it is evident that South African have made key moves towards aiding America’s foreign policy successes recently. With its amazing accomplishments within many areas from economy, security features, even wildlife reserves, it is no surprise that South Africa have had proofs of successful diplomatic relations with America backed up by its international support activities which gave it an important place on international politics as well while aiding USA’s President Donald Trump’s action platform within arenas his current people will be watching.
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